Monday, April 27, 2009

Crazy Days

Here is an update but still no pictures...We have moved into our house in Smithfield! What a hellacious couple of weeks it has been. We painted and did some demo work for a week straight round the clock then moved in on the eighth day. We are still working on painting cabinet doors and painting the baby's room. The baby was under some stress along with me so I have learned my lesson and am now taking it easy. The baby is still due the end of June but maybe he will come early cuz he is still measuring big. Time is flying so he will be here before you know it. They did another growth ultrasound a few weeks ago and he is in the 74th percentile which means he will likely be pushing 9 pounds. Maybe to some of you that is no big deal but I am a little paranoid about his size! I am trying not to stress over things I have no control over. As long as he is healthy, size doesn't matter. Kendrick is playing soccer this spring and that has been a ton of fun to watch! Mike is just finishing up the semester just in time to start summer semester and then he will graduate after next summer semester. He is stoked to be down to 3 semesters! I will try to post pix of the house and soccer games soon. Life is good and we hope that you are all doing well! TTFN, XOXO!!!