Saturday, October 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Melissa!

So Melissa does a shout-out to everyone on their birthday so here's to you Melissa...
She has a very organized, clean kept house.
She is always wearing earrings, even to mow the lawn.
She has really cute handwriting.
She never says a bad word about anyone.
She is fun to go to Tai Pan with for decorating ideas.
She carries about 15 lip gloss in her purse.
She always has on cute jewelry.
She loves high heels.
She bakes really good sugar cookies.
She is going to be a really fun mom to her daughter.
Happy Birthday, we love ya!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Swine Flu all Around

Just an update...Kendrick, Stetson, and I are all recovering from the swine flu. Kendrick and I have been really sick but we caught it really early with Stetson and the Dr. treated him with Tamiflu so he didn't get it sooo bad. We all have been pretty miserable. I had a sore throat for about 9 days before this hit so all in all I will have been sick for 3 weeks or so. We are on the mend though and looking forward to brighter days. Kendrick started Junior Wrestling at Sky View right before this all started so I will be posting pix from his first meet this weekend. I hope all of you and yours are doing well!