Monday, August 24, 2009

Jam, and More Jam

This is Tara's daughter Jaxen and Stetson zonked out on her couch. The kids were sick of jam too.
My lovely peach-mashing hubbie.
That is Tara taking a short break.
This was just my stash. All of Tara's jam was sitting on her counter.

My friend Tara and I got the great idea to do a "few" batches of freezer jam. Tara had done it before but I never had so we went to Brigham to buy fruit. We of course got what we thought we would need to do our few batches of peach, strawberry, and raspberry. Well, needless to say we bought way to much fruit and ended up doing jam at Tara's house till 1:00 am. Now that it is done I am glad she taught me how to make it. Mike came when he got off work to pick up the kids and we talked him into helping us mash some peaches. He was thrilled. We made 48 pints and 12 half pints. Abundance is a blessing and boy do we have an abundance of jam!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Summer Swimmin'

Kendrick proudly displaying his certificate.
The class playing ring a round the rosies.
Just goofin' off.
Kendrick, Ava Wilcox, & Brinley Kidman.

Kendrick took swimming lessons again this year at the Aquatic Center. After being in the same beginner class for 3 years in a row (yes, 3) because he was "not brave enough"...he finally passed the class and is able to move to the next level! It was a proud moment for us! He was in class with a little girl that was in his preschool, Ava Wilcox and her little friend Brinley Kidman. I also know Brinley's mom really well, so it was fun to see some familiar faces.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Family Bed?

Well, our bed is never intentionally the family bed but somehow becomes that many nights and mornings. I couldn't resist taking these pix early one morning while the rest of the crew was sawin' logs. My cute boys!