Monday, August 17, 2009

Summer Swimmin'

Kendrick proudly displaying his certificate.
The class playing ring a round the rosies.
Just goofin' off.
Kendrick, Ava Wilcox, & Brinley Kidman.

Kendrick took swimming lessons again this year at the Aquatic Center. After being in the same beginner class for 3 years in a row (yes, 3) because he was "not brave enough"...he finally passed the class and is able to move to the next level! It was a proud moment for us! He was in class with a little girl that was in his preschool, Ava Wilcox and her little friend Brinley Kidman. I also know Brinley's mom really well, so it was fun to see some familiar faces.

1 comment:

byebyedays said...

Oh, what a cute little swimmer! It's so important for them to know.