Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Loss of a Friend

Today is a really sad day for our family. Our little dog Boozer ran out onto the highway by our house and was hit and killed last night. We only had him for 2 years but he became part of the family. He was Kendrick's dog so naturally Kendrick is devistated. We loved our Boozer and we will all really miss him.


Bryce and Britt said...

How sad :( he is a cute little guy!

byebyedays said...

Oh he is so sweet! I'm sorry you guys, our little dog died a couple of years ago I KNOW how hard that is! You'll always miss him to, I still think of my little Rascal!:(

HKins said...

Oh, I'm so sorry. Pets are really family members with extra hair. I feel so bad. Now I know why Mike was acting cranky today. My heart goes out to your family.

Amanda Laing said...

Oh no! That's terrible! I am so sorry! He sure was a cute one! Hope Kendrick's okay.

Anonymous said...

I hope Kendrick is doing better. I'm sorry you guys had to deal with it. I'm proud of you stepping up to the plate Mike. That really sucks! Luv U guys! - Amy